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Cherai Beach

Cherai Beach

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Vypin Island was formed after the great floods of 1341. The Island is 25 kilometers long and has an average width of 2 kilometers. Pallipuram Panchayat, in which Cherai Beach is included, is at the northern end of Vypin Island. Cherai and  Munambam are the two parts of Pallipuram Village, which were parts of Kochi and Travancore States prior to the merger of the states. For a land which has a history of less than 700 years since formation, Cherai boasts of a rich cultural heritage with monuments which stand out prominent in India’s history.
Water-scooter and Speedboat rides, Park for children

Accessing Cherai Beach

 Nearest Airports: Cochin International Airport(Approx: 0.00 KM)

 Nearest Major Railway Stations: Trivandrum Central(Approx: 0.00 KM)

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