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Wednesday 15 October 2014

**** Naturally NEPAL ****

Top Tourist Attraction Places in Nepal


Nepal is a destination that is burned on your memory, unable to be forgotten but always longed for. The Nepalese formula combines cultural interest through hundreds of century-old temples and religious traditions with the natural beauty that Nepal is so blessed to boast. With eight of the ten tallest mountains in the world within its borders, you know to expect something extraordinary - but no number of photos can prepare you for the real thing. Its jungles, often forgotten amidst the grandeur of Mount Everest and its fellow Himalayan brothers, are equally impressive, though in a vastly different way.

The political situation is Nepal has improved greatly over the last couple of years. The country, a republic since 2008 is however still on its way to find a stable political balance. Government coalitions are formed and dissolved frequently. This doesn't impact travellers in a great way.
Nepal's climate in the course of the year is mainly determined by the monsoon, which results in very high levels of rainfall between June and September, while the remaining months are moderately dry.

1. Bhaktapur

Unlike Kathmandu and Patan which are located close together, the third of the "Royal Cities", Bhaktapur dishonesty some 14 km away, "outside the holy hollow of the Valley" on the old trade route to Tibet. For Bhaktapur the trade route was both arterial link and major source of wealth. Its relative remoteness allowed the city to develop independently and in ways which distinguish it from the other two. With farmers - some of the best in the Valley - numbered heavily among its inhabitants, the city is self-supporting.

2. Gorkha

When the Shahs invaded it in the mid 16th c. from West Nepal, Gorkha was probably previously the seat of local rajas. The Shahs themselves are believed to have come originally from Rajasthan, having been driven out by Muslim conquerors. Although this has yet to be convincingly proved, there are undoubtedly striking similarities between the Rajasthan’s and the Gurkhas including their shared military prowess and religious fervor.

3. Janakpur

Janakpur is located in the south of the Tarai 22 km from the Indian border. The town is the heartland of the very old Maithili culture which gave birth to its own language and script. Janakpur is also a popular pilgrim center.

4. Kathmandu

Today Kathmandu has more of a large-city environment than either Bhaktapur or Patan and possesses a more developed urban infrastructure. Among its wealth of historic buildings it can boast the biggest of the ancient royal palaces as well as innumerable Rana palaces and important shrines. Despite the growth which has made a modern city of Kathmandu, the old center still retains something of a medieval air.

5. Langtang National Park Trek

The different zones of the Langtang National Park range from oak and pine woods through sub-Alpine juniper, larches and birch to Alpine bushes, scree slopes and snow. Animals establish here include pandas, muntjaks, musk, Himalayan bears, serows and monkeys.

6. Lumbini

Lumbini is extraordinary only for its calm, undisturbed by major celebrations and largely devoid of sights. Only a few relics from the excavation site remain to bear witness to the importance of the town and these have come within the framework of the Lumbini Development Project. Lumbini has been nominated for inclusion on the UNESCO list of world cultural sites.

7. Mount Everest

The highest summit on earth - Mount Everest, Sagarmatha or Chomolungma - is 8848m high. The route to the foot of Mount Everest became popular following the, now legendary, first ascent of the peak in 1953 by Edmund Hillary from New Zealand and the Sherpa Tensing Norgay. In 1978 Reinhold Messner and Peter Habeler were the first to reach the mountain summit without artificial oxygen.

8. Patan

Patan's strict devotion to a grid pattern of streets is truly outstanding, any winding thoroughfares, survivals from older settlements, being few and far between. The districts are clearly laid out and spacious, the wide streets more meticulously paved than in the other royal cities. Of the two main axes defined by the stupas, that from north to south is the most important.

9. Pokhara

Pokhara consists of many unlike parts and lacks cohesion: airport, bazaar, Lakeside, Pardi, as well as the shopping centers of Mahendra Pul and Chipledhunga are far away from each other; also the long link road is not easy to reconnoiter on foot.

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